
This build guide is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU General Public Licence] as published by the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2 of the Licence, or (at your option) any later version.

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Users must follow adequate safety precautions.

This guide describes step for assembly of a 3D Printer by the end user. Building and using the printer is potentially very dangerous as it involves electricity and high temperatures. 

Building the printer will require a certain amount of physical dexterity, common sense and a thorough understanding of what you are doing. We have provided this build documentation to enable you to build your Prusa Mendel 3D Printer in a safe manner.

However ultimately we cannot be responsible for your health and safety whilst building or operating the printer, with that in mind be sure you are confident with what you are doing prior to commencing with building or buying. Read all of the manual to enable you to make an informed decision.

Building and operating involves electricity, so all necessary precautions should be taken and adhered to, the printer runs on 12V supplied by a certified power supply, so you shouldn’t ever have to get involved with anything over 12V but bear in mind there can still be high currents involved and even at 12V they shouldn’t be taken lightly.
High temperatures are involved with 3D Printing, the Extrusion nozzle of the hot end runs at 230°C, the heated bed runs a 110°C and the molten plastic extruded will initially be at around 200°C, so special care and attention should be made when handling these parts of the printer during operation.

We wouldn’t recommend leaving your printer running un attended. We cannot be held responsible for any loss, damage, threat, hurt or other negligent result from either building or using the printer.